The Sentosphère adventure began in 1989 with the Loto des Odeurs.
Its creator, Véronique Debroise, a former perfumer with major groups such as IFF and Givaudan, was convinced that the sense of smell was a primordial sense that children should learn to master in the same way as mathematics and French. Her convictions gave life to the Loto des Odeurs, and Sentosphère was born! Later, she realized that all the other senses also deserved to be awakened.
After the olfactory games, Véronique developed the concept of cosmetic and food DIY kits to continue playing with smells and aromas. This was soon followed by a whole range of products designed to awaken the senses, with educational kits and games for taste, sight, touch and hearing. Since sensory stimulation also involves artistic creation, ranges such as Aquarellum, Sablimage and Patarev were created and are now our flagship products. In parallel, a range of scientific kits to awaken children's curiosity has also been developed.