In Cannes, the games of tomorrow are being played today!

Wednesday 21st, Thursday 22nd, Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th of February 2024 from 10pm to 4am. 

The Off Nights attract crowds of passionate gamers during 4 nights to remake the ludic world around the games of tomorrow. Every year, the Festival welcomes more and more authors proud to present et test their latest prototypes. "Protonights" are the largest gathering of game authors in the world. So  if you're feel like you haven't pleyd enough during the day, come to discover this informal meeting space in which, from 10pm until sunrise, more than 300 novice and experienced authors are expected to present their prototypes, which will maybe become big games of tomorrow. 


Thanks to their success, the OFF NIGHTS attract more and more authors every years proud to present their last prototypes. This year, to garantee the quality of those evenings, the festival will ask for a participation

The OFF NIGHTS attract crowds of passionate gamers over the course of 4 epic nights during which they get the opportunity to play prototypes in a relaxed and friendly environment.

These “protonights” are the largest gathering of game authors in the world! So if you feel like you haven’t played enough during the day, come and discover this informal gathering space in which, from 10pm until sunrise, more than 300 novice and experienced authors showcase their prototypes. Who knows, you might just try tomorrow’s most popular games!

The GRAAL (Game Associations Group of Côte d’Azur), will be in charge of welcoming the public and professionals. Registered authors and publishers showcasing their games shall present themselves at the entrance of the dedicated tent on the Palais beach at 9:30pm, 30 minutes before the doors open to players (10:00pm).

Like every year it will be a delight to meet the members of le Réseau des Cafés Ludiques (the Game Cafes Network) and la Société des Auteurs de Jeux (the Games Authors Society) who will be present on the four OFF NIGHTS.

Entry to the OFF NIGHTS is free and limited to the venue’s maximum capacity.
LOCATION: look for the dedicated tent on the Palais beach, with access from the sea-side.


Contact Mélanie RAMOS :

OFF NIGHTS access conditions

Authors who bought a table by the International Games Festival online ticketing will get an named and unic acces ticket by email. This ticket must be presented at the security control access to enter inside the OFF NIGHTS spaces from 9pm to 10pm during the day write on the ticket. All autors must be installed before 10pm. 

After 10pm, the booked table will not be available. No requeste for a refund or postpone to another date will be available. 

No waiting list and no secondary list proposed. 

To make the installation easier, we invite every author to seat at the table whose number appears on their ticket. 

Public will be able to acces inside the OFF NIGHTS from 10pm to 1am.  
Access will be on a first-come, first-served basis and subject to availability. In order to regulate entry and the number of people on the site, you may wait outside. Free access.