__Tout Public

15' - 30'

8 +

2 - 5




Goal of the Game

To get rid of your cards until you reach the Escape Route and find a Runaway card to make your getaway. The first one to escape from the mansion wins the game. As an optional challenge for the brave: reveal the four keys in the correct order to open the exit door.

Ghosts and Company

In this mansion where you woke up without knowing how, you and your companions must face monsters, vampires, ghosts, undead, skeletons, and werewolves, all bent on one thing – to scare you! So, muster your courage, and without trembling, find the right countermove to defend yourselves. Will you be quick enough to enter the Halloween party when you hear the eerie formula before the doors close?


All players receive 15 cards and choose 10 for the game; the remaining cards go into the draw pile.A player initiates a Fear (attack) with a member or multiple members of the same family, or with a monster, or hosts a Halloween party. All other players must defend themselves in turn with a parade card, a "Not Even Scared" card, or a bonus card. Each bonus card includes an action that affects the players.

If you have 2 cards or fewer in your hand, then you are in the Escape, and all you need to do is find a  Runaway card to exit this frightening mansion and win the game.

Combination of the Exit Code

During each of your Fear turns, you have the opportunity to discover one of the four keys to the exit door.These keys will allow you to open the mansion door and get rid of these malevolent beings who have been incessantly trying to scare you.

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