__Tout Public

60' - 90'

10 +

3 - 7

ROLETIME • La Plaine des Bourdonnements

Collective Adventure

ROLETIME • La Plaine des Bourdonnements

Embark on the role of a druid bumblebee or a hunting wasp to save Aristée!

As a team, each episode unfolds like a series of scenes. Your complementarity is your strength, as you win or lose together! With simplified character sheets, playing cards, and immersive scenes, dive into this adventure designed as an introduction to role-playing.

Once upon a time, long ago, there were insect tribes that lived separately in the heart of a wild region. From an ant's memory, indifference had always been present, and nothing seemed to bring these tribes together for a common ambition.

Yet, the vastness and variety of landscapes were immense and could have sufficed to please everyone. Each tribe lived in its own way, without caring for the others... Until the arrival of a queen bee who built a majestic hive...

You embody a group of adventurous insects, still little-known but with hearts full of goodwill: you are willing to help those you encounter.

Whether you are a sorcerer fly, a druid bumblebee, or a warrior beetle, Aristée's fate might now rest in your hands!

Developed in collaboration with the Laboratory of Eco-Entomology, ROLETIME • La Plaine des Bourdonnements addresses biodiversity and insects in a dreamlike universe, ensuring that reality is never too far behind fiction.

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