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Description of Eluvium - The Collectible Card Game 1v1:

Eluvium offers a strategic one-on-one combat experience, where each player commands a team of three Eluvium. The game takes place on a specially designed playmat, providing a battleground for epic clashes between creatures.

Eluvium transports players into a fantastical universe where nine mystical elements – Lightning, Combat, Fire, Water, Earth, Shadow, Light, Frost, and Nature – intertwine to create a complex tapestry of powers and magic. Each Eluvium embodies the essence of a particular element, requiring players to harness these forces to triumph over their opponents.

Game Mechanics:

1v1 Format: Players engage in thrilling duels, each commanding a team of three Eluvium.

30 Creature and 10 Item Deck: Players' decks consist of 30 unique creatures, each tied to one of the nine elements, and 10 item cards to bolster strategies or counter opponents' actions.

Playmat: A detailed playmat provides the necessary space to organize combat, with dedicated zones for each Eluvium.

Unique Skills: Each Eluvium possesses unique special skills, adding a strategic dimension to creature selection and combat management.

Power Classification: The nine elements offer five power classifications, determining the strength and resilience of Eluvium. Players must balance their teams considering these classifications to maximize their effectiveness on the battlefield.

Eluvium offers a dynamic gaming experience with 111 different creatures, strategically distributed among elements and power classifications, providing players with a rich diversity of strategic choices. Dive into this epic universe where tactics, resource management, and creature diversity are the keys to victory.